Located in northern El Paso County, this area gets its name from the three lakes located in the communities of Woodmoor, Monument and Palmer Lake. The town centers have charming shops and restaurants, and the surrounding residential neighborhoods have grown significantly. This area provides plenty of choices for homeowners such as the newer villages of Jackson Creek, to the golf course estates of Kings Deer and Woodmoor Country Club.

The elevation of northern El Paso County is 7000+ feet and the Palmer Divide creates a micro-climate which tends to produce more snow in the winter months than in Colorado Springs. The scenery and vegetation of this area is also quite different with a large variety of mature pine trees, rolling hills, and unique rock formations. Wildlife is abundant in this region and combined with the wide variety of recreation opportunities, make this area ideal for outdoor enthusiasts.

This area is located in District 38 (Lewis-Palmer).

Zip codes: 80132, 80133